"Pursuing your goals without transforming limiting beliefs can be like driving a car with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake."

What Makes up Your Consciousness

  • Your Subconscious mind operates behind the scenes, storing your beliefs, memories, and habits. It influences your behavior and decision-making, often without you even realizing it. While the conscious mind sets goals, the subconscious either supports or limits those goals based on deeply held beliefs.

    • Holds long term memory (past experiences, attitudes, values, and beliefs).

    • Can process thousands of events at a time.

    • Averages 40 million bits of information per second.

  • Your Conscious mind is where you make decisions, set goals, and focus on tasks. It’s the part of your mind you’re aware of, guiding your actions in the present moment.

    • Can handle 1-3 events at a time.

    • Averages 40 bits of information per second.

  • Your Superconscious Mind is your highest level of mental processing where you can access deeper insights, creativity, wisdom and intuition. It’s like a mental compass that helps guide you towards your highest self.

    The Superconscious is linked to higher states of awareness that go beyond the conscious minds logical thinking or the subconscious minds automatic patterns.

    • Sees the big picture of your life.

    • Infinite Processing Capacity.

    • Non-linear processing with unlimited speed and capacity.

How Subconscious Beliefs Are Formed

“The beliefs you hold shape the life you live

Beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind and influence how you see yourself, others, and the world around you. These beliefs act like auto-pilot “programs”, shaping your thoughts, behaviors, habits, and values. Just like software running in the background on a computer, many of these beliefs are "downloaded" from external influences, while others are formed through personal experiences.

Ways Others May Program Beliefs Into Your Subconscious

  • During early childhood, when your brain is in a hyper-learning state and absorbs beliefs from parents, teachers, religion and cultural norms without question. These limiting beliefs can often unknowingly pass down generationally.

  • Through repetition, such as hearing the same message over and over from advertisements, media, or authority figures.

  • From authority figures, when someone you trust states something as true, and your subconscious accepts it without questioning.

  • Through social conditioning, where cultural expectations and peer influence shape beliefs about identity, success, or self-worth.

Example’s of ways others may program us

Ways We May Program Beliefs Into Our Subconscious

  • Through emotional intensity, where highly emotional experiences leave lasting impressions.

  • By association, where your subconscious links experiences with emotions and meaning.

  • Through personal experiences, especially when patterns repeat.

Example’s of ways we program ourselves

What self-limiting beliefs are holding you back?

While many subconscious beliefs can limit us, it’s important to remember that the majority of your subconscious beliefs or ‘programs‘ are positive and actually serve you. You were taught to "look both ways before crossing the road," and now you do it automatically for safety. Handling hot surfaces carefully is a learned behavior that prevents injuries. When you first learned to drive, it required conscious effort, but now it’s automatic and subconscious.

You Have The Ability To Transform Any Belief Into One That Supports You

The great news is you can change any subconscious beliefs which no longer serve you. With the right tools and techniques, you can reprogram limiting beliefs, freeing yourself from old patterns and creating new, empowering habits that support your goals and well-being. While there are various methods to align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious efforts, the most effective tool for this is PSYCH-K®—a powerful, straightforward, and interactive process that helps you achieve your goals faster and with greater ease.